What ever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. (Napoleon Hill)

Hypnosis for childbirth

Why chose hypnosis for childbirth?

Hypnosis for childbirth has been around for many years. Dr Grantly Dick -Read, a British physician was the first to propose the "fear-tension-pain" syndrome in his work Natural Childbirth (1933) and recommended natural childbirth preparation as a means to prepare for birth.

Midwives and physicians recommend natural childbirth preparation. The Royal College of Midwives also admits that hypnotherapy can help some women and says that "any method that can help calm a woman's labour fears are beneficial".
"How does hypnosis work"?

Hypnosis applies the theory on a subconscious level, which at the same time allows your physical body to deeply relax, not only during the sessions but also during the birth. Research studies from around the world show that the use of hypnosis for childbirth results in:-

 Shorter Labours.
Reduced use of pain medications
Higher Apgar scores.(measurement of baby's well-being at birth).
Reduced surgical delivery.
Decreases the chance of postnatal depression.

By practising hypnosis daily before the birth, you are effectively "rehearsing" or "experiencing" your perfect birth over and over in your mind (a similar technique used by top athletes prior to competing) so that when the actual birth begins, your body will respond in the way you have rehearsed. You see your subconscious cannot determine between an imagined event and a real event so as far as it is concerned you have experienced a calm relaxed childbirth many times.
Also you are conditioning your body to be relaxed and calm no matter what may be going on around you. Being so relaxed during the birth process leaves no room for the fear and tension which are the main causes of the pain. Also this calm state increases the bodies natural pain killers (endorphins) and blood flow which makes contractions more effective and so often reduces the need for intervention and the length of labour.
At Hypnotherapy Services we want to empower mothers to be in ways to experience a calm, peaceful and controlled childbirth. Hypnosis for childbirth runs over a period of 4 sessions lasting approximately one and a half hours each. During the sessions you and your partner will be guided through various techniques and skills which will enable you to:

Overcome the fear-tension-pain cycle.

Feel calm and relaxed at all times.

Reduce or even eliminate the need for intervention/ drugs

Give birth to a calm and alert baby.

Enjoy comfortable breast feeding. 

Your birthing partner at the end of the sessions will:-

Learn effective ways in which to support their partner.

Feel calmer and more relaxed about the forthcoming birth.

Learn how to deal effectively with the medical team.

Have a clear understanding of the birthing process

A full support package is supplied which includes comprehensive notes and CD. Also there is a nutritional expert available if you wish to discuss diet. You know that you owe it to yourself and baby to give yourselves the best start to a new life so contact us for more details: -

0161 282 9291

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